It’s basically made out of the same material as a wet suit, but is really, really thin. It’s .5 mm instead of the usual 2 or 3.
I wear it in the spring and fall when the water is starting to get just a little cool, or even when the water isn’t bad in June, but I’m going to be in it for a while, like when I’m taking a lesson.
It’s only about $59.00.
The one I have is made by Neil Pryde, but it’s hard to find. There are a couple of similar products by other companies.
This one is made by Body Glove (Note: I wear a men’s because that’s all they had. Body Glove also makes a women’s version, but for some reason, they don’t have a picture of it.)
Body Glove Heat Shirt

And here’s one made by O’Neill.
O’Neill Heat Shirt